
~ikenaidesu! | ~いけないです!
"Whenever it should not be, we will be."

Founding and Purpose

Why does this blog exist? Simple. Because it should not. It was a five-second worth of decision in my part to register a blog like this. No more sweet talks. I've thought "No, this is a stupid idea." and found myself already doing this blog.

I'm from a circle of thugs and rogues who just do random things: watching anime, reading manga, playing eroge, etc. There was a plan before that our group should finally make something productive, and contribute on the online community in any ways possible. Luckily, we never managed to get beyond step one.

But aside from that idealistic chaos, I have been blogging only for not so long, and managed to learn a thing or two from reading guides/tips, participating on different webmaster communities, and actually experiencing the easy and difficult parts of blogging.

I just thought, "What if I give an initiative and make this blog?" and yeah, I only thought about that after I already signed up this blog. Ironic, eh? Since I have experience on blog management, digital and graphical art, lurking the web, and some otaku stuffs, this blog is now here. The circle is being cooperative, they really are full of potential about this. I most probably have to give a little push to get everything moving good. I'm glad I did.

- Tennouji (you don't know me)