Angel Densetsu Manga Review
Story and Characters
Angel Densetsu is definitely a book that you shouldn't judge literally by it's cover. The drawings are not good or it was like lazily drawn at that or was it just a little outdated compared to today's work. At first i thought that the protagonist of the story is an angel, but it turns out that it was only to portray that the protagonist was kind heart like an angel which looks great as the cover for each volumes. The first time i laid upon this one, i really avoided reading it until two to three months later i was suddenly intrigued that it was a series written and drawn Yagi Norihiro and it was his first published work at that. For those who do not know, Yagi Norihiro is the author of the currently on going manga "Claymore" and is popular for it's dark and bloody action theme. After reading Angel Densetsu, it reminded me some similarities between the art and i would say that it had greatly improved. Also it really boggled me that the author of claymore was capable of making stories that's funny, it was very far from his current work "Claymore".The story is about a pure and kind heart boy named Seiichiro, unfortunately though he has good intensions he is usually mistaken as a bad person because of his deliquint look. When I day deliquient, it's not that his hair is bleached or he dressed funny, the way he makes faces or the structure of his face is really scary to those who meet him, in shorter terms he was born with an evil face that was commonly compared to a devil. Leaving the town where he grew up, he then moves to his new home and transfer to his new school where countless deliquent challenge him because of his looks. These misunderstanding commonly results into fights, but then because of the different train of thoughts between Seiichiro a kind guy and the other party, it then leads into different hilarious outcomes.
The protagonist of the story is Kitano Seiichiro which was later known as the "Gaurdian" a title given to those who stand at the top of delinquency within the school, although Kitano has no knowledge of it whatsoever. Although he is considered the main protagonist, the story usually revolves around his friends, peers, teachers, and other people who has encountered him. The story has a nice flow and each arc are like episodes which are nicely tied together. It is full of comedic events which are funny in their own way and although some were recycled through the preceding chapters it was able to maintain the flow of the manga in which it will be read until the end.
The other characters in the series namely kitano's friends and other people in the school, are really fun to watch as they would actually get into fights with delinquents and while the others know exactly what's happening, kitano still remains clueless on what what exactly is happening and assumes rather funny and out of place ideas. There was one chapter in the beginning that a deliquint held a knife because he was scared of kitano but on the other hand kitano assumed that the guy holding the knife was trying to commit suicide then just suddenly jumps at him saying that it's too early too die in which the other guy took as a word of threat from kitano to not anger or fight him again.
As i had said, the art is not really good and outdated, but if you read slowly through the chapters you can see the improvement in drawings. The only thing that made the art match the drawing is the way Kitano was drawn and it really gave way to how you can appreciate the art. Althought the art is a bit lazy to look at but still makes you read it, Angel Densetsu is an enjoyable piece than one would usually expect to experience at first glance.Those who are searching for a new manga to read or just something to make them laugh or past time, I recommend Angel Densetsu. This entertaining, comedic, brain boggling type of manga is something i would really recommend as long as you don't mind how it is drawn or how the design goes. If you really don't mind the art then this is a good read for 84 chapters.
If you really laughed and found this work entertaining, I would also recommend the Anime OVA that has two episodes, when kitano screams or jumps out unexpectedly it's sure to be funny.
Overall, I shall give this manga entitled "Angel Densetsu" an 8 out of 10
- Very good comedy
- The chapters are nicely tied together
- Unique characters
- Outdated art
- Use of recycled puns and jokes
- Characters aren't really that good looking or drawn