Manga series reviews, Manga characters on spotlight, and more self-centered opinions from our good blog authors, both relevant and nonsense. Everyone is welcome, may it be critiques, trolls, shinigami, aliens, ninja, alchemists, pirates, or demons alike.
Anime is one of the most popular media in the world, should be more popular than RickRoll and Chuck Norris. And we're here to rant about every little thing we can nitpick, from animation, plot development, loyalty of the adaptations, to seiyuu, staff, and studios.
We're here to serve you reviews of various media, and our scopes and limits are so wide that they can satisfy both normal readers to weeaboo and denpa creatures. In fact, we really are aliens who decided to invade Earth by brainwashing you with our reviews, but that's a secret I won't tell you.
We also offer updates and insights on series previews, serving AMV as well as other similar fan-based contents, which we upload on public streaming sites like YouTube. Disclaimer: Here at ~ikenaidesu! we promote no copyright infringement of any kind.